Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Stanley Cup Finals and I'm an adult

A little while has passed, and quite a bit has happened in the hockey world, and my personal world.

New York defeated Washington in quite the hard-fought series. As much as I wanted the Capitals to win (because NY took out Ottawa, and it would be quite the underdog story for Braden Holtby), it would be cool to see a Lundqvist/Kings final. But, I want New Jersey to take it to the Cup final. Give Brodeur one more. That would be a sweet way to retire; do the ol' Scotty Bowman "sign your papers during the ceremony" sherrah. Although he does have a couple Stanley Cups, some hardware, including two Olympic medals, one more can't hurt?

And, today, I officially became an adult. I'm still trying to comprehend it actually. I can now legally vote, own a credit card, buy lottery tickets, all that jazz.

18 years ago my mother gave birth to possibly the greatest thing since the telephone (who are we kidding). All jokes aside, I'm blessed I've been able to spend 18 wonderful, amazing years with an amazing group of supportive and wonderful people. Many thanks to those who have made my life a blast to live!

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