Wednesday, 9 May 2012

"Our worst day, is their everyday."

Just settled to watch the Capitals-Rangers game on CBC, and Ron MacLean made a good point.

These two teams, their cities rather, were victims of the terrible 9/11 attacks back in 2001. It never dawned on me, that almost 11 years ago, this act shook the whole world. Ron went on the credit all emergency personnel, volunteers, virtually anyone who helped aid those who needed it that day.

Then he said something that got to me;
"Our worst day, is their everyday."

Coming from a family where my grandfather, and two uncles served and fought for our country, makes me think that we don't give enough credit where credit is due. The ones who put their life on the line, so we can keep living ours, is something some of us, myself included, seem to forget about.

Just a quick thought I had before puck drop.

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