Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Phoenix vs. Los Angeles? Say What??

The day before the Stanley Cup playoffs begin, I would've loved to meet the guy who said the Coyotes and Kings would battle in the Conference final. I bet he was laughed at more than a school boy with a note from his mom in his lunch.

But it happened, last night Phoenix knocked off the higher seeded Predators. Personally I didn't watch the game because of work, but followed the IceTracker with the GameCenter app on my iPhone. Jeez... an NHL club who is currently owned and operated by the NHL sure knows how to put up a fight. Plus, on the day of a potential new owner.

I myself, expected a St. Louis Blues-Philadelphia Flyers final, but that may change. Much better than the supposed Vancouver-Pittsburgh final. But, this playoff season has definitely been full of surprises. Being an Ottawa fan, people asked me why I didn't have faith in my hometown team to make the final. I gave them a list of reasons;
- We're obviously in our first year of rebuilding. But MacLean deserves the Jack Adams award simply because we managed to make the playoffs in our first official year of rebuilding. As opposed to Toronto, who hasn't seen post-season glory since before the lockout.
- Sure, we pushed the best team in the league to 7 games. But there are tougher teams than us. We would've played Washington, and some nights Braden Holtby would literally be a brick wall
- Our defence would've collapsed in no time. Watching the Rangers throw themselves at every shot we took, and how quickly they could crash our net, defence is still something we can work on

I give best of luck to the rest of the teams left standing... except the Rangers of course. I'd love to see Washington come back and take them out.

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