Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Capitals-Rangers off to a game 7

Washington managed to hold off the Rangers to a 2-1 win. Tons of things caught my eye this game;
- Braden Holtby needs to get control of his rebounds. If they're low shots, there isn't much he can do rather than try to get control of them. If they're up at his chest, no excuse. Cover it with your glove, and if it ends up coming down, tackle that son-of-a-gun.
- Rangers need to get to those rebounds. They're taking shots, and leaning back and waiting what happens. Crash the net, get in Holtby's face, and clean up the garbage.
- The Rangers goal with 0:30 seconds remaining shouldn't have counted. There was a Ranger forward right in his space (when I said crash the net, I didn't mean literally), granted he was pushed. The shot went wide, but Holtby couldn't get his blocker out to try to get a piece. It ends up going off a player, and in. Classic goalie interference.
- Washington is way to cocky. On the scoreboard, they were showing previews to purchase tickets for next round. That's a huge slap in the face to the Rangers, and I'm sure they took it as motivation cause they scored following the faceoff. If there are hockey gods (hopefully not on the Rangers side), New York will win at home and play New Jersey (who thought of that?).

But speaking of the conference finals, Los Angeles vs. Phoenix, and New Jersey vs. WAS/NYR. I definitely didn't have this in my pool.

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