Saturday, 22 September 2012

Blog Hiatus: NHL Lockout Rant

So, I was silly enough to start a hockey blog around the third round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. And with my luck, the NHL would lockout the season, cancel any training camps and preseason games, and whatnot. But I'm sick of supporting a league that locks out its players (and ultimately, the fans) every 10 years or so. Regardless if the season is cut in half, why should money get in the way of things? Its different, if you're salary is being cut from $80,000 to $65,000 and having to make due, but getting salary cuts to players making over millions of dollars? To me, that's being selfish.

The worst part, is that players are willing to play in Europe, for millions of dollars less, than what they would make in North America. It plainly shows that there is no such thing as loyalty to a team or city. In the video that the NHLPA released (I'll link the video at the end of the post), the players would like some sort of way to play, but still be in negotiations. Yes, because you'll have time to sit in a board room after practices, road trips and games. Plus, that defeats the purpose of the owners locking out the players.

And why are people blaming Gary Bettman? He's only doing his job, same with Donald Fehr. But this nonsense has to stop. Players need to stop being greedy, owners need to stop being greedy, and they (including the league) need to look at what really drives the NHL; the fans. Owners are bringing in the millions, while some families need to starve themselves to go see an NHL game (I'm being a little drastic, but you get the point). Everything from concessions to merchandise to tickets are insanely expensive ($4.00 for a bottle of water for goodness sake). If the NHL wants it to be about the fans, then make it about the fans. If the players want to play, let them play! Easier said than done, but why is it that the Stanley Cup has the chance of not being won by a team for only the 3rd time in over 110 years? As a die-hard hockey fan, I'm sick of it.

Lets let the NHL players flee to Europe, put hard working players over there out of a job, and bump up the kids in the jr. leagues, who don't care about the money, who just want to play. Give young North American players a shot, because the current NHLer's are just taking the league for granted. There's no clear winner in this lockout, but there's no clear good guy.

As for this blog, any changes or updates that surface, I'll do my best to report it. As for hockey, I'll support the Ottawa 67's at Scotiabank Place this year, cause I have a feeling that'll be the only team to play in the Bank this year.

Here's the message the NHLPA sent out via YouTube about the current lockout.